Friday 25 April 2014

Research of artist

Researching Beyonce
ByMary Thompson
Images of Beyonce

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter
born September 4, 1981
American recording artist and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of R&Bgirl-group Destiny's Child. Managed by her father Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the world'sbest-selling girl groups of all time. Their hiatus saw the release of Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love (2003), which established her as a solo artist worldwide; it sold 11 million copies, earned five Grammy Awards and featured the Billboard number-one singles "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy".
Following the disbandment of Destiny's Child in 2005, she released her second solo album, B'Day (2006)
Her marriage to rapper Jay-Z and portrayal of Etta James in Cadillac Records (2008) influenced her third album, I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008), which saw the birth of her alter-ego Sasha Fierce and earned a record-setting six Grammy Awards in 2010, including Song of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)".
Her fifth studio album, Beyoncé (2013), was critically acclaimed and was distinguished from previous releases by its experimental production and exploration of darker themes.



Below I have embedded a picture of the shot list we completed in class. We use a shot list to help us organise our shots into order and make the filming task more straight forward.

Evaluation (music video)


question 1

What way does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

By leah Gathergood

Question 2 

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

By Leah Gathergood

Question 3 
how did you use media technologies in the construction research, planning and evaluation stages?

By Leah Gathergood



Blogger - Blogger became an essential part of our work as it was what we used to present all our research and planning work.
Although we were new to blogger it didn't take longer to figure out how to use it. We learnt how to embed videos and upload images to blogger, this was sometimes challenging as the image would not always be placed where we wanted it. We overcame this by typing the text first and then putting then inserting the images after so it would not look messy.

Cameras - As we have been studying media for 3 years, we are used to using the cameras and tripods. However,it was important we remembered how to brought more than one camera with us when filming. This was essential as it helped us get different shot, also, if one was to run out we still had the other.
We also had to remember to import our work from the camera to the mac computer straight away so that we didnt loose any work if other students were to use the camera.

Imovie- Imovie was a very essential part to our music video as it was needed to put everything in order, make any lighting changes, change it to black and white and lip sync it.

Photoshop- Mary and I found Photoshop the most challenging part. We had to use it when creating our digipak. We used it to polish and perfect our pictures, and to add any text needed.

Question 4 
what have you learnt from your audience feedback?

By Leah Gathergood

Thursday 10 April 2014

Final Product

Final product

Here is my final music video product, i have included the digi-pak and advertisement.

Here is the magazine advert for the track and music video of Beyonce - diva.

Magazine advertisment research

Rihanna magazine advertisement 

We looked at Rihanna's album advertisement. The advertisement focus's on the colour red, which matches Rihanna's hair colour and also connotes sex appeal, which is part of her star motif. The advertisement also includes her name, album name and cover of the album and the date of when it comes out. The background also shows a shot from a video of one of the songs on her album. 

Katy Perry advertisement 
When looking at Katy Perry's advertisement we noticed there was many similarities to Rihanna's. For example, it also has a background of Katy Perry and a small picture of the album cover on top. This is something we will consider when creating out advertisement. 
Also, It is written clearly when the album is out, which is important to the reader. 
Katy Perry has used a bright colour theme that matches her quirky persona. There is also a mention of the most popular song on the album, which is a good idea as it may make it more appealing to buy. 



Conventions are the widely recognised way of doing something, therefore in media this has to do with content style and form, for example the conventions of a music video the artist would look as if they are singing in the song (lip syncing).

Conventions matter in the creation of our music video as they are the aspect that keep the music video conforming to the music video representation, without typical codes and conventions the video wouldnt conform to typicall 'music video' stenotypes such as dancing and poseing.

conventions could consist of things such as Laura Mulveys - Male gaze - An analysis of media images which suggests that the camera represents a male perspective, and such as casts men as active subjects and women as passive objects.

An example of the male gaze is in the J'adore Dior advert. Below are screen shots of the male gaze.

Shot of a female models bottom area, this is in the view of the male gaze.

Shot of a woman getting her blouse done up, this is also in the view of the male gaze.


What effect does this have on the viewers?

When the camera slows down and many even stops on a woman a woman curves, it imitates how a man would look at a woman therefor the denotation of woman this way on  screen portrays how women are seen as sexual objects in society.

The male gaze is very conventional in adverts and music videos. We won't be using the male gaze in our music video as we want to subvert this stereotype and embrace the powerful women that we are.

Final product

Final music video product

This is our final music video product.
This is a music video to the song Diva by Beyonce
The music video is 3:26