Thursday 10 April 2014



Conventions are the widely recognised way of doing something, therefore in media this has to do with content style and form, for example the conventions of a music video the artist would look as if they are singing in the song (lip syncing).

Conventions matter in the creation of our music video as they are the aspect that keep the music video conforming to the music video representation, without typical codes and conventions the video wouldnt conform to typicall 'music video' stenotypes such as dancing and poseing.

conventions could consist of things such as Laura Mulveys - Male gaze - An analysis of media images which suggests that the camera represents a male perspective, and such as casts men as active subjects and women as passive objects.

An example of the male gaze is in the J'adore Dior advert. Below are screen shots of the male gaze.

Shot of a female models bottom area, this is in the view of the male gaze.

Shot of a woman getting her blouse done up, this is also in the view of the male gaze.


What effect does this have on the viewers?

When the camera slows down and many even stops on a woman a woman curves, it imitates how a man would look at a woman therefor the denotation of woman this way on  screen portrays how women are seen as sexual objects in society.

The male gaze is very conventional in adverts and music videos. We won't be using the male gaze in our music video as we want to subvert this stereotype and embrace the powerful women that we are.

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