Tuesday 10 December 2013

Draft treatment and padlet responses

Draft Treatment

Song: Diva
Artist: Beyonce

Outline of ideas for music video (narrative, Characteristics, concept...)

A narrative for our music video would be based around a woman who is the 'Diva' she is classed as a diva as she is present, powerful and confident - her presence and attitude draws attention and admiration to her.
She will arrive at a party and the whole crowd will follow in suit as they admire the Diva. There will be quick cuts to show the different dance scenes and dress scenes.
there will be a intra-narrative of another young woman who is less beautiful, confident and stylish who will have envious and jealous feelings towards her, this will be shown through her actions and facial expressions. The young girl spots the diva and the diva empowers her to feel more confident the girl becomes beautiful,smiley and confident joining the diva as the centre of attention. The crowd around notice her and are all in awe of her and the Diva, they begin to dance in synchronisation and have a good time.

Resources that will be needed? (actors, setting, props etc.)

We will need approximately 15 and 20 people/actors this includes the main characters.
The setting will be among a house party, there will be clips of the street and shots of the area/background.
Props will mainly be a part of the setting e.g.. bottles of alcohol, cups and music players, disco lights etc.
Some technical resources we will need to use are iMovie and a video camera.

Justification of ideas relating to the artist, genre and audience questionnaire and focus group

We will be creating our music video in this format as we are relating to the star motifs of Beyonce. particular dance routines and moves will be used that are related to Beyonce's style and the persona she has manifested for herself.
Furthermore we will be reflecting her persona in the style of dress and Mise - En - Scene we choose to use this shows that we are using codes and conventions of the genre but adding our own elements.
We will be relating to the lryics throughout the video as they have a close relation to the narrative of our song and they are constantly repeating the word 'Diva'.

Pad-let Response

I used padlet.com to receive some feedback on my treatment for my music video, pad let make it possible for people to view my draft treatment and leave some constructive criticisms for me to improve my work with.

After looking at the comments I have learnt that the narrative and the relation of the story to the song will work well with visuals and lyrics. more attention to the characteristics may need to be addressed as well as more detail into the subplot for example showing how the 'Diva' has influenced and empowered the girl who looks up to her.
The shots will be full of quick cut and there will be many scene and dress changes.
WE will include girls and boys in the music video.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Focus Group interview

Focus Group

During the research and production of our music video, we had to research a focus group so we could finalise the audience pleasures and suggestions for our video.

After researching our target audience out surveys found that the majority of people who answerd were female, Ages ranged between 16 and 18 so we conducted our focus group interview to represent these demographics.
Firstly the focus group said they associated the word 'Diva' with someone who's is feisty, brave and confident this is key information and we took this on board and will create the main character of our video to fit this description.
Our survey results showed that the majority of people preferred a music video which followed a narrative with incorporated factors of a 'party' theme, we asked our focus to help expand on theses ideas and they said the main character should arrive to a party being the centre of attention 'all eyes on her'. This idea can be expanded further to create another narrative of a girl who is already at the party becoming jealous and angry that the attention is not on her anymore.
The focus group stated that they would prefer a free style dance routine but with some small added group choreography to show the coming together of the people therefore the incorporation of both dance styles will be put into our video.
Finally, we asked the focus group what they would like to see in this music video. Our response was the costume, they didn't want to see any ultra revealing garments or badly styled clothes, we will be aware of this in the production of our video and make sure she is modern and well dressed.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Music survey analysis

Music survey analysis

Our questionnaire was conducted using survey monkey (www.surveymonkey.com/s/V9JK2GX)
After revising the results found from our questionnaire we analysed them and have found ways in which to incorporate them into our final music video production.
The analysis of the production helps us understand what we need to look at in detail for the production to work.

Impact on our work

The biggest impacts on our work will be the age range as we need to base the conventions of the video around the4 target audience.
Also the theme of the music video will play a big part in the production of our film as the music video will be based on the audiences preferred theme.
finally the song choice will create a big impact on our work as it plays the most vital role as to what the target audience research preferred.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Audience Questionnaire (music video)

Audience Questionnaire


Questionnaire analysis

After analysing through the questionnaire results i have found that the main target gender for the music video are females and so have aimed the video at the female audience, a small percentage were male.
The most common age range ranges between 17 and 19 years old and so the video has been targeted at this age criteria.
According to the results of the questionnaire the style of music video preferred is a narrative so this will be the main theme and structure of the video. Furthermore, the preferred theme in music videos is a party style scene so the theme will be based around this.
People who took our survey have been asked to define the singer of the song 'Diva' who is Beyonce in three words, they depicted her as having good style, a strong powerful woman and inspirational.
We have chosen to use the song 'Diva' in our video as most of the questionnaire audience preferred that song.
Our survey audience were asked what they think makes Beyonce stand out as an artist, they say it is her dancing ability so this will play a big part in our video production.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Audience Theory

Audience theory

In class we explored two theories as to why audience's watch and enjoy media. 
One of the theories was the 'Effects model' also known as the 'hypodermic model', this theory was created in 1997 by Hoynes Croteau and is based around creating a strong influence or effect on the viewers. As they watch a scene or music video they feel connected consciously, this means that the media they are watching they beginning to take pleasure from and almost develop an addictive state towards it, this is why it is called 'hypodermic', like a needle or drug, causes an addiction and a relapse; your daily dose of television!
This Effects model can be applied to music videos as they are very engaging, they engage your senses of sight and hearing, so consequentially connect with the mind, causing people to feel like they should mimic  and react to what happens in the video, an example of this it the 'Bo Bo doll experiment' during this experiment they applied the effects of what children saw on the television to how they reacted in reality amongst the same situation, the results were astonishing and the experiment a success, children clearly copied exactly what they saw on television. Music videos can also be mimicked in many other ways such as the fashion style and the dance moves, creating a huge amount of reality in what people have seen as they begin to identify with the mind.
    Another theory I explored in class as to why audience's take interest in different types of media is Uses and Gratification, this theory was developed in 1974 by Blumler and Katz.  I watched the music video by chase and status called 'Time' which is embedded below. I felt that 'uses and gratification' could easily be applied o this video because viewers were given a sense of having there needs and desires met, for example, information the audience were give the chance to find out about new events from the video, seek some advice and satisfy there security of knowledge about the issue raised in the video, it addressed the subject of domestic violence and later gave a help line at the end for anyone suffering from the same thing they had seen. further more it gave audience the feel of personal identity, helping the audience to be re enforce of personal values and find models of behaviour (role models). Social interaction is used to help find a basis of conversation, so the audience all have something they can discuss and debate, this interaction give the audience a sense of belonging and a connection with the people they are with. Finally entertainment, this is usually the main focus of things such as music videos n television channels, this helps the audience to fill time, experience some cultural enjoyment and relax connoting in the needs and desires of the individual being met.

In class we explored these two theories about audiences and there consumption of media and my understanding of them is that they fulfil needs and desires of the audience by meeting pleasures. This type of pleasure applies to music videos As they hold a strong basis for all of these things to be put into place . Music Videos are a perfect opportunity to spread the word about something or create an impact on an audience.
In class we then had to independently identify our own choice of music video and apply these two theories to it, I chose the music video 'So good to me' by Chris Malinchak, the narrative of this video is about a girl and her unusual  best friend, the young girl cannot find her friend for a while but when they are reunited it portrays a sense of happiness and love. The two theories relate to this video as they would appeal to someone looking for that type of entertainment. Uses and Gratification are used as information is incorporated the finding of the giraffe satisfied the audiences curiosity. Personal identity came through by the pure fact that a young girl is best friends with a wild animal, this reinforced personal values and could even provoke the gaining of insight into ones self. furthermore, social interaction would come into the analysis of this video as it creates conversation, the unusual partnership and pleasant viewing will connote the audience emotional reaction to what they see consequentially creating conversation.
lastly, entertainment is met as people are being diverted from there own problems and shown another persons this can be a form of gratification for the Audience or just some escapism.

Monday 23 September 2013

Introduction to A2 Media (music video)


Candidate number 3168
Centre number 12950

My name is Mary Thompson, I am currently studying A2 level media studies in year 13 at Swakeleys six form.
I have been studying media since year 11 as I find it very interesting and enjoy the hands on practical approach to learning the subject.
At the end of the year I am hoping to achieve an A.
My advanced portfolio will be about completing a conventional music video, digi-pak and magazine insert for the digi-pak. Throughout this blog i will state the processes i have done in order to complete the project and my research will be stated and analised.
The other member of my grip is Leah Gathergood (http://leahgathergood.blogspot.co.uk/) she will be working with me to complete the music video project.