Thursday 16 January 2014

final treatment

Final Treatment

Song: Diva
Artist: Beyonce

My final treatment is the main idea for the music video after all target audience research and music video research has been conducted, it differs from my draft final production as it has been amended with evaluations from peers to create a better response and production.

Pad-let Response

I used to receive some feedback on my treatment for my music video, pad let make it possible for people to view my draft treatment and leave some constructive criticisms for me to improve my work with.

After looking at the comments I have learnt that the narrative and the relation of the story to the song will work well with visuals and lyrics. more attention to the characteristics may need to be addressed as well as more detail into the subplot for example showing how the 'Diva' has influenced and empowered the girl who looks up to her.
The shots will be full of quick cut and there will be many scene and dress changes.
We will include girls and boys in the music video.

Outline of ideas for music video (narrative, Characteristics, concept...)

A narrative for our music video would be based around a woman who is the 'Diva' she is classed as a diva as she is present, powerful and confident - her presence and attitude draws attention and admiration to her, people know she is a Diva from the way she behaves and responds to attention.
She will arrive at a party and the whole crowd will follow in suit as they admire the Diva. There will be quick cuts to show the different dance scenes and dress scenes of people following her, greeting her and admiring her, close ups of peoples faces will show that they are in awe of her.
There will be a intra-narrative of another young woman who is less beautiful, confident and stylish, this will be shown through her actions and facial expressions this girl is being put down and bullied by other girls at the party that make her feel inferior and less confident; she is portrayed as stressed, upset and lonely. The young girl spots the diva and the diva empowers her to feel more confident the girl becomes beautiful,smiley and confident joining the diva as the centre of attention. The crowd around notice her and are all in awe of her and the Diva, they begin to dance in synchronisation and have a good time. The mean girls that were bullying her leave the party upset.

Resources that will be needed? (actors, setting, props etc.)

We will need approximately 15 and 20 people/actors this includes the main characters.
The setting will be among a house party, there will be clips of the street and shots of the area/background.
Props will mainly be a part of the setting e.g.. bottles of alcohol, cups and music players, disco lights etc.
Some technical resources we will need to use are iMovie and a video camera, tripod and memory card.

Justification of ideas relating to the artist, genre and audience questionnaire and focus group

We will be creating our music video in this format as we are relating to the star motifs of Beyonce. Particular dance routines and moves will be used that are related to Beyonce's style and the persona she has manifested for herself.
Furthermore we will be reflecting her persona in the style of dress and Mise - En - Scene we choose to use this shows that we are using codes and conventions of the genre but adding our own elements.
We will be relating to the lyrics throughout the video as they have a close relation to the narrative of our song and they are constantly repeating the word 'Diva'.

Equipment list

Equipment list

The equipment i will be using in my production will play an important part in the creation of my musiv video. Each item of equipment will play an important and specific role int he final production this music video, the list is stated below:
  • Digital camera (video camera) - This will be used to film and record the music video footage as well as take still images of the video for us to use in the divi pack and magazine advertising.
  • Tripod - This will be use to hold the camera still during the filming process, it will also help for nessicary camera pans and tilts.
  • Camera lights -  so the shots are bright and clear
  • Light reflector -  control the reflection of the lights
  • Memory card -  to save the work and upload footage
  • USB wire - to upload the footage
  • Apple Mac Computer - Editing
  • Costumes - party clothes, dresses, trousers and t-shirts
  • Props - Bottles, lights,  cups, drinks.
  • Studio/hall/house (setting)

Six Frame Analysis

Six frame Analysis 
Rihanna 'Pour it up'

1. This is a conventional shot of rihanna posing in the forefront of the screen she is taking off her fur jacket and sitting down on a chair.
Her minimal clothing reflects her star motif 'Rihanna' is always seen in her videos wearing extremely provocative clothing and embracing very sexual dance moves. this still frame is a shot from the very beginning of the song it is presenting the artist and is subliminally foreshadowing the sexuallity of her video.
Rihanna is singing "throw it up throw it up, thats how we ball out" this could relate to the images on the screen as she is looking very expensive and appears to be sitting on a thrown something a wealthy person would do. The term "ball out" refers to one being a "baller" a baller in slang terms is a professional money maker who is extremely wealthy due to any means of money making, so in this still image she clearly refers to herself as a baller.

2. This second image of the singer Rihanna staring in her video 'pour it up' she is seen slouching in her 'Thrown' with her hand and arm between her legs, there is a pole dancer in the background who is positioned upside down on the pole. Rihanna is known for the explicit content in her videos and lyrics and this refers to her star motif (what the pubic/ audience expect and know of her)
In this section of her video she is singing the lyrics "All i see is signs.All i see is dollar signs"
this refers to how much money she is make which she try's to portray in her video with the money, the thrown the expensive clothes, strippers and pole dancers.
Rihanna appears extremely sexual in this clip and this is because she wants men to leer over her. the objective of the video also appears to be extremely sexualised and raunchy, Rihanna appears to be achieving her aim.

3. This image of Rihanna is part of the singers iconography, Rihanna is a provocative artist and takes pride in showing off her body and sexualising her appearance. the two fingers up can represent the symbol of peace and can also be an offensive symbol (swearing).
The preferred reading of Rihanna in this clip is to appeal to men and represent women she wants men to see that she is sexy, rich and shares a common ground.
The lyric she is singing is "throw it, throw it up watch it fallout from the sky" she is showing throwing movements with her hand as well as the representing symbols she portrays the basis of her video and what she is singing about.

4. this is a shot of artist Rihanna on a pole doing some pole dancing. She is wearing little clothing this is to show her body confidence and for the male gaze of her male fan base she is wearing a boys hat showing she's relating the men and even copying there style she is dancing very provocatively around this pole and there are many quick cuts of the dance scene. The scene is showing Rihanna sex appeal and it is in relation to the lyrics "My fragrance on and they love my smell" so the clip id just of her and she is promoting her perfume range in her song this is product placement and star motifs.

5. this image is of Rihanna licking and throwing money this shows her power and wealth and shows she is so rich that she can throw money away.
The licking motion portrays something else this is a sexual movement and appeals to the male audience "thats how we ball out" so she is referencing other people. She appears to be siting on a golden thrown which shows her female status and wealth.
her sexual clothing is her iconography and Rihanna is known for her sexually explicit nature so she is reinforcing her label and status throughout this video.

6. This is again reinforcing her iconography as sexual and explicit, as she dances provocatively on her golden thrown. she has her back to the camera but is looking over her shoulder, as she shakes her bottom she is looking for men appreciation as she re in acts sexual acts. Rihanna is playing the part of a stripper/ pole dancer in this video as there is lots of money and sexually explicit content.
her lyrics read "Money on my mind, money,money on my mind" so in conclusion her stripper reference in this video is her trying to get money using her body - representing a group in society that aren't seen as good, it seems to be that Rihanna is rebelling for attention.